Info buat temen temen MI semester 4 pagi.

Naaaaah ini cuma sekedar berbagi aja,, bagi yang belum tau tugas mid semester 4.
Ini ada beberapa info soal tugas mid,
Mata kuliah : Internet Bisnis [ Download ]
Mata kuliah : Komunikasi Ilmiah [ Download ]
Mata kuliah : Animasi [ Download ]
mungkin baru itu saja ,,, kalau ada berita lagi mungkin akan saya upload di blog ini ...
matur nuwon.....

Antivirus Gratis Avast 4 Home Edition

Satu lagi Antivirus Gratis yang handal yang pernah saya coba, Avast Home Edition, Seperti Halnya Avira da AVG yang mengeluarkan antivirus gratis, Avast pun mengeluarkan antivirus gratisnya yaitu Avast Home Edition, Avast Home edition ini dibuat oleh ALWIL Software a.s. (Inc.). Versi home ini adalah versi antivirus gratis yang diberikan secara cuma cuma untuk pengguna non komersial dan pengguna rumahan.
Hanya untuk pengguna komersial software ini tidak diperbolehkan untuk digunakan, pembuatnya menyarankan apabila ingin menggunakan untuk komersial sebaiknya menggunakan Avast Pro yang tentunya berbayar.
avast! antivirus Home Edition sudah memasukkan fitur perlindungan tambahan seperti anti-spyware & anti-rootkit protection for Windows, yang mana fitur ini biasanya kita dapatkan pada program antivirus yang berbayar atau harus menggunakan software terpisah. ALWIL Software a.s. (Inc.) juga menyediakan banyak avast! Products untuk memenuhi tingkat kebutuhan pengguna yang bervariasi.
Avast! 4 Edisi home adalah suatu solusi antivirus yang lengkap, secara penuh mampu menemukan virus-virus komputer, untuk menciptakan dan memeriksa integritas program-program diinstall, untuk menguji program-program yang dieksekusi dan dokumen yang dibuka, untuk menguji dan mengecek email dan fungsi-fungsi lain. namun hal ini tentu dibayar dengan menggunakan resource komputer yang banyak (apabila proses tersebut berjalan maka komputer akan melambat).
Cara pemanfaatannya cukup rumit setelah mendownload file installernya dan diinstal di komputer maka kita harus mendaftarkannya ke web resminya, apabila tidak di daftarkan maka software ini hanya akan aktif selama 60 hari (trial mode), namun jangan khawatir pendaftaran untuk mendapatkan license keynya juga gratis, tapi kita harus terkoneksi ke internet untuk mendapatkan email keynya. Setelah memasukkan keynya maka kita akan mendapatkan fungsi penuh dari antivirus ini berikut dengan update data base virusnya secara gratis selama setahun, dan setahun berikutnya harus meminta key lagi secara gratsi (agak merepotkan memang)
Nah tertarik Silahkan download Installernya DISINI
Setelah diinstal jangan lupa registerkan untuk mendapat keynya DISINI
Pendaftarannya gampang kok dan yang terpenting tetep freee
Setelah terinstal jangan lupa untuk selalu mengupdate database pengenal virusnya, untuk panduan cara updatenya silahkan dibaca disini
semoga bermanfaat

Antivirus Terbaik Versi Av-Comparatives

Seperti halnya yang di awal tahun 2008 selesai mengadakan perbandingan berbagai antivirus (Antivirus Terbaik Tahun 2008), lembaga independet lainnya ( ) di akhir Mei 2008 ini juga selesai membandingkan beberapa antivirus populer.
Metode yang digunakan sedikit berbeda dibanding Av-Comparatives menggunakan metode utama Retrospective/Proactive Test. Metode ini digunakan untuk mengetahui seberapa aktif antivirus bisa mendeteksi virus-virus baru yang beredar dengan kemampuan mereka ( seperti kemampuan heuristik detection). Misalnya Antivirus dengan Update Januari 2008 digunakan untuk mengetes sample-sample virus yang beredar bulan Februari 2008 sampai April 2008. Selain itu, False Positive Test dan kecepatan scan juga perhitungkan

Jadi jika antivirus hanya mengandalkan database virus saja, maka kemungkinan besar, akan banyak virus yang tidak terdeteksi. Jika kemampuan mendeteksi besar, akan diberikan sertifikasi level yang lebih baik. Tetapi hal ini tidak berarti antivirus tidak banyak mendeteksi virus berarti buruk. Asal antivirus senantiasa di update, maka antivirus akan bisa mendeteksi sebagian besar virus.
Av-Comparatives menandai dengan tingkat “Certification Level” : Advanced+, Advanced, Standard dan No Certification. Av-comparatives mengadakan test 3 bulan sekali. Secara ringkas, berikut hasil test-test terakhir, termasuk di tahun 2008 ini ( sudah mendapatkan ijin dari untuk menampilkan hasil test berikut) :
On-Demand Comparative (Agustus 2007)
  • Level Advanced+ : TrustPort, Avira, AVK, Symantec, Kaspersky, AVG, NOD32, F-Secure, BitDefender, eScan
  • Level Advanced : Avast, McAfee
  • Level Standard : F-Prot, Norman, Microsoft, Fortinet, Dr. Web
On-Demand Comparative (November 2007)
  • Level Advanced+ : Kaspersky, NOD32
  • Level Advanced : AVG, AVK, Avast, McAfee, Microsoft, Norman, Symantec
  • Level Standard : Avira, BitDefender, Dr. Web, eScan, E-Prot, F-Secure, TrustPort
  • No Certification : Fortinet
On-Demand Comparative (Februari 2008)
  • Level Advanced+ : TrustPort, Avira, GDATA AVK, Kaspersky, AVG, Symantec, Eset NOD32, Avast, F-Secure dan eScan.
  • Level Advanced : Sophos, BitDefender, McAfee, Norman dan Microsoft
  • Level Standard : VBA32
Restropective/Proactive Test (Mei 2008)
  • Level Advanced+ : Avira, NOD32
  • Level Advanced : AVG, McAfee, Microsoft dan AVK
  • Level Standard : BitDefender, Norman, Avast, Kaspersky, VBA32, Symantec
  • No Certification : Sophos, TrustPort, F-Secure dan eAScan
Dari beberapa test result diatas, tampak perubahan-perubahan yang cukup signifikan. Tetapi terlihat NOD32 selalu mendapat level Advanced+, sedangkan Untuk Avira 3 test, termasuk 2 test terakhir mendapat level Advanced+ ( cukup bagus untuk antivirus yang menyediakan versi gratis). Untuk hasil selengkapnya (dokumen dan report) silahkan merujuk ke web-nya langsung di

Sumber : " "

Cara Meng Update Avira antiVirus

Antivirus tanpa update database terbaru sama halnya punya pintu tapi tidak ditutup,dalam hal ini antivirus walaupun anda menggunakan antivirus premium atau antivirus berbayar yang berjudul atau bernama apapun akan tidak berdaya menghalau datangnya virus yang setiap hari bertambah jenisnya, dengan semakin banyaknya virus virus baru yang bermunculan dan tanpa diupdatenya data base virus dari antivirus yang kita gunakan maka virus dengan mudahnya masuk dan melumpuhkan antivirus yang kita gunakan, sebegitu pentingnya update antivirusUntuk avast antivirus cara updatenya relatif mudah, sama halnya dengan Avira antivirus yang memberikan dua cara update yaitu online dan offline, begitu pun halnya dengan Avast Home, kita dapat melakukan update secara online maupun offline.
Untuk yang online, setelah Avast! terinstall di komputer, biasanya ia memiliki pengaturan default yang telah mengatur supaya setiap kali komputer Anda terkoneksi ke internet, ia akan memperbaharui database pengenal virusnya secara otomatis.

Namun jika tidak, Anda bisa mengaturnya dengan mudah. Caranya, pertama tentu saja buka program Avast!-nya (biasanya terletak di START » All Programs » avast! Antivirus). Sesaat Avast! akan melakukan penjelajahan pada sistem memori untuk mengecek kalau-kalau ada virus yang bersembunyi di sistem memori komputer.

Setelah Avast! terbuka, masuk ke menu Settings… » Update (Basic). Disini Anda bisa memilih pilihan “Automatic” atau “Ask when update is available”.
Untuk update secara offlinenya kita dapat mendownload databasenya yang bernama "vpsupd.exe" yang kemudian bisa diinstal ke komputer yang sudah terlebih dahulu diinstal antivirus AVAST ini
Nah untuk download File Update "vpsupd.exe" silahkan Download DISINI
jika belum punya antivirus Avast silahkan Download DISINI Semoga bermanfaat. Bagaimana dengan anda sudahkan anda mengupdate Antivirus anda hari ini ???

Update Manual Avira

Buat teman teman yang menggunakan avira antivir dan menglami kesulitan update kebetulan saya juga menggunakan dan mengalaminya setelah browsing-browsing mencari akhirnya saya menemukan tips yang mantap dan boleh dicoba dari blog tetangga yaitu

Salah satu Antivirus gratis terbaik adalah Avira Antivir. Di beberapa test terakhir, Antivir termasuk antivirus terbaik (baca ini dan ini) . Tetapi sebagian kesulitan dengan update antivirus ini. Meskipun sudah bisa download updatenya seringkali gagal. Apa kira-kira penyebab sering gagalnya update ? Bagaimana tips agar berhasil update?
Coba simak tips update manual Avira Antivir berikut ini. Disertakan juga penjelasan mengenai apa itu incremental VDF update (IVDF) dan beberapa penjelasan mengenai file IVDF ini.

Automatic Update

Untuk update otomatis lewat internet, seharusnya tidak ada masalah. Tinggal klik kanan icon tray dan pilih menu Start Update maka Avira akan otomatis update. Atau melalui tampilan di halaman utama. Dan mungkin memang agak lama. Kalau tidak berjalan, coba langsung menjalankan file preupd.exe di folder instalasi Avira.
Manual Update

Update manual Avira Antivir, baik Antivir Windows Professional, Avira AntiVir Premium, Avira Premium Security Suite dan Avira AntiVir Personal - Free Antivirus, versi 7 atau 8, dapat di download dari link yang sama.
Dimana downloadnya ?
Buka link ini kemudian pilih Download IVDF (Unicode) atau langsung download dari salah satu link berikut (Untuk Windows XP, 2000 dan Windows Vista) :

Nama File-nya selalu sama yaitu

Mengecek apakah file IVDF Rusak atau tidak

File update bertipe ZIP, maka kita bisa mengecek apakah file yang kita download tersebut rusak atau tidak. Gunakan saja program seperti Winzip, Winrar, 7zip, IZArc dan sejenisnya, dan buka file tersebut. Jika tidak bisa dibuka, kemungkinan file tersebut rusak (Corrupt). Jika bisa dibuka maka selanjutnya gunakan saja menu "Test" untuk mengecek file tersebut, jika tidak ada error maka file tersebut harusnya bisa digunakan untuk mengupdate.
Jika sudah download berkali-kali masih saja tidak bisa dibuka, maka pastikan download dengan program "Download Manager" seperti FlashGet, DAP, GetRight, Internet Download Manager, Free Download Manager dan sejenisnya
Mengenal incremental VDF update (IVDF)

File update Avira berukuran sekitar 21 MB, berisi update program dan database Virus. Update program merupakan file-file dengan tipe *.dll, sedangkan update database virus file dengan tipe *.vdf. File update virus ini ada 4, yaitu antivir0.vdf, antivir1.vdf, antivir2.vdf dan antivir3.vdf. Berikut penjelasan masing-masing file tersebut:
  • antivir0.vdf, merupakan database virus utama (basic-vdf) yang di sertakan ketika menginstall Avira
  • antivir1.vdf, merupakan database virus bulanan, diupdate setiap bulan
  • antivir2.vdf, merupakan database virus mingguan, diupdate setiap minggu
  • antivir3.vdf, merupakan database virus harian, diupdate harian
Avira sendiri biasanya melakukan update antara 3 sampai 7 kali dalam sehari, kadang bisa lebih. Bisa di cek disini

Cara Mengupdate Manual

Setelah file tersebut di download dan tidak ada yang error/rusak, maka update bisa dilakukan dengan membuka Avira ( Double klik icon di system tray, gambar payung atau klik kanan dan pilih menu "Start Antivir"). Setelah terbuka, pilih menu Update > Manual Update…

kemudian dicari file Setelah itu pilih Open, maka proses update akan berlangsung. Jika proses gagal maka coba restart komputer terlebih dahulu dan ulangi proses Update. Jika sudah di restart masih juga gagal, maka coba antivir di install ulang, mungkin ada file yang rusak.
Masih Juga Gagal ?
Jika update dengan cara-cara diatas masih saja gagal, maka coba alternatif berikut.

  • Extract file update diatas ( di folder baru
  • Buka Run (Start Menu > Run ), tulis services.msc dan tekan enter atau klik OK
  • Akan ditampilkan window "Services". Dari panel disebelah kanan klik judul kolom "Name" sampai kolom itu urut berdasarkan nama dari A - Z.
  • Disana ada 2 Services Antivir yang ada, yaitu : AntiVir PersonalEdition Classic Guard dan AntiVir PersonalEdition Classic Scheduler
  • Klik kanan dan pilih Stop. Jika menunya tidak aktif, maka Klik kanan dan pilih Properties kemudian bagian Startup type pilih Disabled. Dua-duanya lakukan hal yang sama.
  • Restart Komputer
  • Setelah itu, copy semua file hasil extract file update di folder instalasi Avira, tumpuk saja file yang lama. Biasanya berlokasi di C:\Program Files\Avira\AntiVir PersonalEdition Classic
  • Jika sudah selesai, Kembali jalankan (start) 2 services Antivir diatas (pilih Startup type Automatic kemudian restart komputer.
Dengan cara ini, maka Antivir bisa diupdate, tetapi keterangan di Last Update masih tidak berubah, meskipun sudah diupdate. Nanti akan berubah ketika update dilakukan secara normal. Jika cara-cara update diatas masih juga gagal, kemungkinan ada konflik dengan aplikasi lain atau bisa juga komputer tersebut terinfeksi virus. Ada pertanyaan atau masukan silahkan disampaikan melalui komentar. (

Jika akan melakukan install ulang sebaiknya download Avira Antivir terbaru, bisa ambil dari link berikut ( Version: ): (21.28 MB) ( 23.29 MB)

Jika sudah sebelumnya sudah menginstall Avira, maka sebaiknya gunakan juga Avira Registry Cleaner Untuk menghapus setting-setting sebelumnya sehingga instalasi bisa berjalan dengan sistem yang bersih. Download di alamat berikut :

nah semoga infonya bermanfaat dan semoga berhasil

How to move from Blogger Blogspot to WordPress

Matt Mullenweg, the founder of WordPress, has said that 1,000+ bloggers migrate each day from Google’s Blogger Blogspot to WordPress.
Google plans to change the name of Blogger to Google Blogs and integrate it with Google+, so this might be the time for you to transfer your Blogger blog to WordPress as well.

WordPress – biggest blog platform

WordPress is the most popular blogging software. Over 50 million people have chosen WordPress to power their blogs and use it to create beautiful and professional blogs.
WordPress is free and it is built by hundreds of community volunteers. WordPress features thousands of free plugins and design themes to help you make your blog stand out.
WordPress is ready to welcome the Google Blogspot bloggers. A free tool has been developed to import posts and comments from your Blogger account into your WordPress site.
“Blogger Importer” WordPress plugin has been used by more than 100,000 bloggers already!

Move from Blogger to WordPress

It is simple to move your Blogger Blogspot blog to WordPress. Here is the quick process:
First install a blog. For the simplest possible install, I recommend using Bluehost as you simply click on a button to install WordPress plus get domain and hosting for cheap.
It literally takes 5 minutes to have WordPress up and running, no tech knowledge needed. Watch my video for step-by-step guide and click here to get your blog started.

Now follow this process to import your Google Blogspot blog posts and comments into your new WordPress blog

  1. In your WordPress Admin go to Tools – Import.
  2. Click “Blogger” and on the pop-up click “Install Now”.
  3. Click “Authorise” to tell Blogger to let WordPress access your account.
  4. This will transfer you to a Google Account page. Click on “Grant Access”.
  5. You will see the posts and comments on your Blogger blog. Click “Import”.
  6. Assign the imported posts to your author name on your WordPress blog.
Your Blogspot Blogger posts and comments are on WordPress now – welcome to the world of WordPress!

How To Be Successful

How do you categorize something with the title ‘How To Be Successful’?  Do you file it under ‘Goals’?  I mean, success is all about accomplishment, right?  Or maybe you should put it under ‘Health’.  Good health, to many, is a number one priority in life.  What about ‘Relationships’?  Doesn’t a strong relationship make for a better life?
As we set out to define how to be successful and touch on what I believe makes for a successful human being, we have to keep in mind that success is truly in the eye of the beholder.  So it’s not about a specific prize, a ‘holy grail’ if you will, but the ability to successfully pursue those things in your life that bring you the greatest purpose and satisfaction.

Meet Bill

Bill is a forty something entrepreneur from Chicago, raised in a fairly average home, with average parents and an average lifestyle.  Bill did OK in school and even made it halfway through college.  After two years of hitting the books hard, Bill decided that school had played its part in his life and it was time to move on.  So at the expense of his parents peace of mind, Bill dropped out and started looking for work.
Fast forward by about 20 years and you will see Bill, working in one of his many offices, running his successful international company that he built for the ground up.  To put it plainly, Bill is a wealthy man.  Not just financially, but Bill has managed to maintain good physical health, land the love of his life and still put aside time for his precious children.  Bill is no superman, but he knows what he wants and is dedicated to living that lifestyle that fits his idea of success.  It’s not about fame or fortune, but staying true to his clear vision of what life should be like for him and his family.

Meet John

John, also from Chicago and pushing the same forty year old status, is not so happy in his current situation.  Coming from a similar background, but managing to make it all the way through college, John now finds himself struggling to get by.
About ten years back, John got divorced.  A marriage that was doomed from the start, this relationship defined Johns inability to sense a healthy situation.  From the middle management position that brings him zero satisfaction, to the devastating debt he’s accrued over years of trying to buy his own happiness, John is lost when it comes to defining his desires and properly pursuing them through the necessary channels.  Not only is John not successful, but he’s depressed by the fact that he may only be half way through his lackluster life.

Switching Places

One cold winter morning Bill received a phone call.  It was his accountant and Bill could tell that the news was not the good kind.  “What is it Joe?” Bill asked his CPA.  “I’m sorry to be the one to tell you this, Bill, but your company has gone bankrupt.”  “What?!  How can this be?!  There were no signs of this.  Last quarter alone brought us an increase of 15%.  Where is this coming from?”
For the next 30 minutes, Joe explained how some of his employees had been embezzling money from the company for the last 2 years.  They managed to doctor the books so the stolen funds did not seem to be missing.  By the time they were caught, the companies financial infrastructure had been deteriorated and could do nothing but collapse.  Bill was both devastated and broke.
Around that same time, John had found out that after a distant, wealthy relative had passed away, he had come into a small fortune and a large piece of property.  John was elated!  He felt that all his troubles were over and he could finally enjoy life.  He quit his job (burning bridges with his spiteful departure) and moved into his new, much larger, home in the suburbs.  John was finally successful…or so he thought.

A year has passed…

Both Bill and John had now had time to ease into their new situations.  The sting of Bill’s great fall had dulled and John’s new found happiness was starting to dwindle.
Shortly after Bill lost everything, he started working in the same company that John had left.  Coming in as a cashier, Bill quickly moved up the ladder as assistant manager and then manager.  To help lighten his load, Bill’s wife began working part time.  Their kids were in school so they could manage all of this without missing out on the life they previously enjoyed.  Bill valued family above all else and he was not about to let these unfortunate circumstances take away time with his wife and kids.
From the very get go, John had managed to put a massive dent into his new found fortune.  Going on spending sprees, buying all the things that used to seem out of reach, John was determined to debunk the idea that money can’t buy happiness.
He also began hanging out in bars as he hoped to meet Mrs. right.  Using the phrase, “Drinks are on me!” time and time again, John was constantly trying to attract others with his fake confidence and half hidden insecurities.  But when rejection seemed even more prevalent, John slowly found his way back into his discouraged state of mind.

5 years later…

About two years after starting his position as a cashier and then quickly moving up, Bill had learned everything he possibly could about the business he was working in.  Not willing to settle for less, Bill began the process of starting his own company that would sell the same products, but to an International audience.  Before too long, Bill and his family had found themselves right back in their sweet spot, opportunities abound.
John’s situation was not quite the same.  Managing to waste most of is willed wealth in the first 3 years of his obtaining it, John was now looking for work to pay down some of the debt.  With no other choice but to sell his home, John started apartment hunting in the city and crawling back to his old job.  Unfortunately, after his bridge burning departure, instead of re-entering as a manager, John had to start back at the bottom, ringing up customers as he pined over what went wrong.
Interestingly enough, Bill had been the one to buy John’s house in the ‘burbs.  By that summer, there were fresh flowers in the garden, clean cut grass and the sense that a heart transplant had taken place in that home.  Even the neighbors seemed happier as their new next door tenants finally did justice to the beauty of that big old house.

What is success?

People often say that success is a state of mind.  That if you want to be satisfied with life, be satisfied with life.  But this doesn’t deal with the fact that a desired destination requires the proper mindset and discomfort in the current state.  Not that we can’t be satisfied every step of the way, but that if that satisfaction becomes too comfortable, we risk standing stagnant, never venturing forth into the world of possibility.
John was all about comfort.  A man of the moment, he never planned for the future or learned from his past.  John’s vision of success was extremely insignificant as he accepted his new found fortune as a quick fix for boredom and low self-esteem.
While John spent a lot of his time figuring out how he was going to spend his next dollar, he missed out on the big picture.  He couldn’t seem to visualize the pitiful life he lived.  He was oblivious to his lack of relational connection.  He mistook money for a brief moment of fun, while great opportunity floated on by.
Bill, on the other hand, was less interested in when his next lunch break was and more so in the possibilities that were right around the corner.  He fed off the love of his family and never grew restless as he worked hard to pull himself back up.  He enjoyed each moment, but couldn’t help be aware of a much bigger picture.
Where John could see his job as nothing more than a way to pay his bills, Bill was taking every opportunity to learn from his new circumstances.  Neither one was given more from the start, but while John was lost in his own sea of self-medicating escapism, Bill knew nothing more than a healthy, happy life.
To answer the question, ‘How To Be Successful’, we have to see the key ingredient to success.  It’s our mindset that makes or breaks our ability to succeed.  It’s our comfort or discomfort in different circumstances that determines our direction.  Just like John could no more be successful than then sky could be orange, Bill was incapable of settling for less than success.  For Bill, it wasn’t a matter of thinking through each situation and determining which way to fork when following the road to greater opportunity, but instead it was his natural instinct that led the way.  Just like a cat could never be comfortable in water, neither could Bill just sit in a situation that failed to bring him and his family closer to their own personal goals.

10 Keys To A Successful Human Being

I wrote a guest post on this at Pick The Brain called ‘10 Traits of a Successful Human Being‘, if you’d like to go further with the topic, but here are 10 more tips to expand on my points.
  1. Know How To Be Happy: If you don’t know the ingredients of a complicated recipe, I’d suggest that you find them before you start cracking open eggs.  If you are unable to be happy right where you are (not necessarily satisfied, but happy), than you will have a hard time reaching your goals.  Distraction is one of our greatest deterrents to success and few things take away our focus more than being unhappy.
  2. Know How To Motivate Yourself: No one is going to push you harder or more effectively than yourself.  It is up to us to light our own internal fires and push ahead with vigor.  We need to know the ins and outs of our deepest desires, the triggers to our forward motion.  Dreams are made and goals are set, but with out proper self-motivation, we’re dead in the water.
  3. Know how to love and be loved: We assume that because we have feelings, we know how to enjoy a healthy relationship, but anyone who has enjoyed a successful one, knows it’s a lot of hard work.  If we are unable to enjoy those around us, how can we consider ourselves a success.  There are many millionaire misers out there who are no more successful than a homeless person sleeping on the streets.
  4. Know that the steps to success come one at a time: In this hectic 21st century society, it is so easy to be deceived into thinking that taking on the World has to happen all at once.  The fact is, this mentality does nothing more than overload us with busyness.  To be successful we need to be efficient in our pursuit of goals and a deluge of to-dos is not going to get us there.
  5. Know the value of JUST ENOUGH: John never knew exactly what he wanted.  All he knew was that he never had it.  Bill, on the other hand, always new his sweet spot in life and rarely wandered far from this place.  Being successful in life isn’t about how much we have, but how close we are to having JUST ENOUGH.
  6. Know how to deal with negative feedback: Whether it be constructive criticism or hateful slander, we can be assured that our road to success will be bumpy as we endure the blows of those around us.  We can’t afford to be unprepared.  Motivation turns into momentum, but improperly filtered feedback will stop us dead in our tracks.
  7. Know how to relax: As important as motivation, rejuvenation is certainly a key to success.  Knowing how to get a good night’s sleep as well as reaching a relaxed state in the heart of a stressful situation is crucial for both current satisfaction and future destination.
  8. Know how to get out of your comfort zone: One of the greatest deterrents for success is our inability to breach the boundaries of our comfort zones.  Fear of the unknown, coupled with a soft, un-calloused psyche, we see no other option, but to stagnate.
  9. Know how to avoid self-destructing: We often have the perfect plan in our heads as we start our journey of success.  We base our future actions on what we believe is right around the corner.  But what happens when things go much differently?  How do we react when stage 2 can’t happen because stage 1 took us in a different direction?  We must remain flexible and ready to adjust our course when necessary.  We can’t control life, but we can control our reaction to it.
  10. Know that it’s never to late to change your life: Whether we’ve been stuck in a hole all our lives or have just recently fallen into one, there’s no time like the present to dig ourselves out and make the move toward our own brand of success.  To know how to be successful is to know that tomorrow is ALWAYS a new day.

Final Thoughts

John’s vision was anything but robust.  Easily distracted by activities of insignificance, John could never truly know a life of success.  He was condemned by a minute mindset and falsely established idea of happiness.  John wasn’t unsuccessful, he was completely blind to it.
Bill may have seen his days both on the top and on the bottom, but as far as he was concerned, it was all apart of the journey.  Never seeking a definite destination, Bill only desired wisdom, good health and strong relationships with those around him.  For Bill, success was a mindset that turned into a positive physical outcome, not a single action that resulted in riches. You could take away Bill’s achievements, but you could never separate him from his passion for prosperity.

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How the Internet of things could make the world safer and greener

We’re currently in the early stages of the Internet of Things, the much-buzzed-about phenomenon when all objects in the world will be equipped with sensors or connected in some way, enabling items to be catalogued and represented virtually on the web.
Of course, the potential implications of this shift toward connectivity are numerous, particularly for the tech industry. But researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology recently discovered that the rise of the Internet of Things will have impacts that go far beyond Silicon Valley: It could pave the way to a safer, and more environmentally sustainable world.

Internet of Things — even stolen ones

This discovery by MIT was made somewhat inadvertently: During the summer of 2011, a team of researchers from MIT began studying what happens to used and discarded electronic devices with a project called “Backtalk.” To do this, the team developed and implemented two technologies to let electronics “self-report” their locations worldwide after they were tossed out.
But in November 2011, several months after the project got underway, Backtalk’s lab at MIT was burgled, and one of the of the laptops used to record images was stolen along with other equipment. But thanks to the new tracking technologies developed for the Backtalk project, the laptop was not lost for long: Since the machine was equipped for image capturing, photos of the thieves were sent back to the Backtrack researchers, and the laptop’s GPS reported its exact location so that police could track it down.
Carlo Ratti, the director of the Senseable City Lab at MIT that conducted the Backtrack project, said in a press release this week that the “completely unexpected” occurrence had an interesting lesson:
“It shows us what might happen in a utopian/dystopian Internet of Things world, when every object on our planet will be addressable and trackable, as scholars have been predicting for many years.”

Landfills won’t be a dirty secret anymore

While this implication of the impending Internet of Things sounds like happy news to most of us (assuming, of course, that most of us aren’t thieves) it seems that it could also bring a level of guilt to average people in the first world around how they currently think about physical things. If everything is traceable, that means that we’ll be more aware of the entire life cycle of our stuff — even once we’ve given it up willingly.
This means that when, say, the laptop bag you gave to Goodwill ultimately ends up in the landfill a few weeks later (like a reported 40 percent of things that go to Goodwill do) it will be hard to ignore your role in polluting the world. The old green axiom of “You can’t throw anything away, because there is no such thing as away” will become very real to everyone. Assaf Biderman, the co-director of MIT’s Senseable City Lab, put it like this:
“The large volume of electronic refuse currently being produced around the globe presents both a toxic liability and a potentially valuable resource. One of the consequences of digitizing our everyday objects is that the data they capture provides us with new information about the impact of our actions – from what we consume to the waste we discard, and to the things we give away.”
Ideally, this will make more people become more conscious of not acquiring too much junk in the first place, and actually adhere to the first two parts of that other old green mantra to “reduce, reuse and recycle.” As the world gets more populated, it would be a very good thing if we all became a little more conscious of our consumption habits — and it looks like the Internet of Things might help make that happen.
The Internet of Things will also play a crucial role in making systems and the consumption of resources much more efficient, too. Putting a chip and wireless connection on lighting, heating and cooling systems, power grid devices and cars could lead to better management of resources, including energy, electricity, heating and fuel.

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6 Simple Steps to Make Mail & Paperwork Painless

Creating Simple Systems, Part 1: Mail and Paperwork
While simplifying your life begins with reducing clutter, whether physical, emotional or mental … it doesn’t end there. If you simply reduce clutter, it won’t be long before the clutter’s back, with a vengeance. The way to keep things simplified is to create simple systems, and to make those systems a routine habit.
You probably have some systems already, whether you’ve thought about it or not. And if you haven’t given these systems much thought, they might not be great systems. For example, what’s your system for handling mail? Here’s an inefficient system: check your mail every so often, and then toss it on the first available surface, where it will pile up. When you finally get tired of the pile, you start opening all your mail, and discover that a few bills are already late. Then, you’ll leave the unopened mail on a pile on your desk or counter, including the now-paid bills along with other documents that haven’t been dealt with yet, piling up even higher until you dump it into a box or the trash.
Not the best system. Yours probably isn’t that bad, but you might be surprised at how many people have this kind of unintentional system. Let’s examine a more intentional system that will keep things uncluttered and organized.
You can figure out a system that works best for you, but here’s my suggestion:
  1. Create one “mail center” in your home for dealing with your mail and incoming paperwork. This should include an inbox for all incoming papers, a waste-basket (the simplifier’s most important tool!), a small filing system (just some manila folders in a drawer or file case is fine), and something to hold envelopes, stamps, your checkbook, pens and other needed tools.
  2. Inbox. All incoming mail, school papers, and other paperwork goes straight into your inbox. Don’t toss them on a counter or the kitchen table or a desk. Put them in one place only: the inbox. It’s best if you remove the mail from the envelop right away, toss the envelopes and any junk flyers, and toss junk mail and catalogs right away — but even if you don’t, at least toss everything in the inbox.
  3. Process. Once a day (or once a week if you prefer), process all the papers in your inbox. Start with the top one, and deal with it completely, before moving down. Your choices: toss, file, take action immediately (if it takes 2 minutes or less) and then toss or file, or put it in an action folder and note it on your to-do list. Don’t ever postpone a decision on a piece of paper when you’re processing and put it back — make a decision and dispose of it, and then move on to the next item, until your inbox is empty.
  4. Pay bills immediately. While you’re processing your mail and paperwork, you can put all bills in a folder to be paid at a certain date (you might have two dates a month when you pay bills, for example, or a weekly bills day). But another alternative is to just pay the bill on the spot, as soon as you’re done processing your inbox. Either write a check and put the bill and check in an envelope to be dropped in the mailbox tomorrow, or go to your computer and pay the bills online. Either way, the bill is taken care of, and off your mind.
  5. Enter stuff into your to-do lists or calendar. For papers that contain tasks or appointments or schedules, you’ll want to enter the tasks on your to-do list immediately, and enter any dates into your calendar immediately (I use Gcal). I even enter all my kids’ soccer games, school events, and other activities in Gcal, and then just file the school papers or schedules in a “school papers” folder so I can refer to it later if necessary.
  6. File immediately. Once you’ve paid a bill or taken action on a piece of paper, you should file it immediately (unless you can toss it). Don’t let it sit on your counter, or pile up in a “to be filed” pile or folder, or go back into your inbox. File it right away. Set up a simple filing system with manila envelopes, labeled with the name of the billing company or utility, along with folders for other important documents in your life, and use a simple alphabetical filing system so you can find things immediately. Always have a stack of manila folders and labels on hand (some people even recommend a handy Brother label-maker) so you can create a new folder quickly if you need it. The trick to filing is to do it right away and not let it pile up.
That’s it. No papers should ever be anywhere except the inbox or in your filing system. It’s simple and efficient. The trick is to make this a habit, and stick to it like a routine. Have set times of the day or week when you process your inbox and pay your bills. Create a simple system like this, and you eliminate the clutter and the worry.

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My Dead Hard Drive story or How I restored my save games

This is the story of how I ressurrected my hard drive.
I've now added additional information in this page of Frequently Asked Questions

How I fritzed my hard drive

I went away on holidays for 2 weeks, came home, turned on my PC and after about 10 seconds, heard some electrical fizzing. Ack!
I quickly turned off my PC, but being an idiot, thought, "I'll just make sure all the cables are in correctly and try again."
So I do that and hit the power switch. This time I get more buzzing and smoke starts coming out of my power supply. Nice one!
Ok, so I go and buy a new power supply. No worries. Get it home, replace the fritzed one. Turn on the PC.
Hmmm, something's wrong. Something's dead wrong. My main Seagate 80gig hard drive is not being recognised. I put my ear next to the drive - there's no sound - it's not even spinning up.
I try a few things - using a different power connector, different ide connector, etc - all to no avail.
My hard drive is dead. Panic sets in...

Backups? What backups?

Uh, yeah - maybe 3 months ago... 3 months of emails, 3 months of code, 3 months of NeverWinterNights save games...

How to fix a hard disk

So I do some searching on Google. I turn up lots of sketchy info about how other people have fixed hard drives. I even try some of them.
One of my favourites - put the hard drive in a plastic bag and put it in the freezer - cooling it down shrinks the parts and may enable the drive to spin up properly. I actually try this and get lots of funny looks from my wife. Still, it doesn't work.
I look at some businesses that do hard drive recovery - the prices are exhorbitant! I could buy 2 replacement drives for those prices.

The techy answer to everything - open it up!

So I look at the hard drive - man, I don't even know what type of screws those are! More searching on Google lifts my ignorance - they are Torx screws.
So off I go to the shops to buy a Torx screwdriver set. Dick Smith's has them for 12 bucks. Cool. I get them home and off comes the cover.

I can't discern anything wrong but I assume the logic board is fried somehow.
Now I get to thinking - I'm almost positive the actual drive is ok - if I could just replace the logic board...

Shopping for hard drives

So I go get a replacement hard drive. I'd only bought this hard drive 5 months previously so it wasn't too hard to find exactly the same model from a number of dealers. I actually end up buying it through my brother's business.

The grand experiment

I get the new drive home and things are all set.
Here are the drives - Mmmmm lovely new drive in its clamshell - am I about to kill it as well???
Note at this point how they look the same - they are both Seagate Barracuda IVs model number ST380021A.

I take the logic board off the old drive.

Ok, let's get the new drive...

Now I take the board off the replacement drive. Here are the 2 logic boards.

Wait a sec. There are some differences there.... Hmmmmm - a closer look is in order.
My original drive's logic board :

The new drive's logic board :

Oh well, still worth a try. I put the new logic board onto the original drive.

Put the cover back on and cross our fingers...

The moment of truth...

I can hear the hard drive spinning up!!!

But it doesn't work! My old 15gig Quantum drive is recognised, but not the seagate.
I fiddle around in the bios and still no go!


We will not be defeated

So what gives? Why doesn't it work? Should I give up?
Time to take a closer look at that drive information.
My original :

And the new drive :

Bugger. The firmwares are different. My original is 3.19. The new one is 3.75. Ok, I obviously need the same firmware.
At this point even my techy friends are thinking I'm crazy.
So I ring around some places and besides having to deal with some hopelessly non-tech sales people I actually find a shop that goes to the effort of looking on the drive for me and it's the right firmware! Cool! I go and buy this one.
Yep, it's got the same firmware :

And the logic boards look the same :

Well actually there's a couple of discrepancies. (At this point I begin to wonder about whether buying hardware is a bit of a lucky dip - I may buy exactly the same hard drive as a friend but be getting something with quite a lot of differences internally which may be more or less reliable etc...)
Well, no point backing out now - let's give it a go.
So I put the new logic board on, plug it in and....
The drive is recognised!

Phew! My NeverWinterNights save games are back in action!
At this point, I use the other 80gig drive I bought from my brother (the drive with firmware 3.75) and make a copy of the drive.
Then I take the new logic board off the original drive, put it back on the new drive and copy the contents from my brother's drive to it. Now I have a totally new drive with a copy of my original hard drive!
Lastly I wipe my brother's drive and return it to him.
Now, I wonder if I can make use of the warranty on the original drive.........
For those who want more info - look here for more to the story
If you have any comments email me or visit the forums!

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How to Set BIOS to Boot from CDROM

All modern Computer Systems manufactured in the last years, support boot from cd feature, but it may be required to configure this feature in bios or previous owner of your computer system may have disabled this feature or may have changed the boot priority sequence )
When you start your computer, check the boot-screen for setup key, In most newer pc it will be DELETE key, so make sure to check it.
This AmiBios Require you to press DEL key to enter setup
AMIBIOS(C)2006 American Megatrends, Inc.
BIOS Date: 03/02/06 20:15:54  Ver: 09.00.07

Press DEL to run Setup

Checking NVRAM..
now you will see some similar screen and choose the BOOT option and choose Boot Device Priority and choose first boot device to CDROM and second boot device to HARD DRIVE You can press F10 to save settings.
Main   Advanced   Power   Boot   Security   Exit
► Boot-Time Diagnostic Screen:[Enabled]
► QuickBoot Mode:             [Enabled]
► Scan User Flash Area:       [Disabled]
► After Power Failure:        [Last State]
► On Modem Ring:              [Power On]
► On LAN:                     [Power On]
Boot Device Priority

1st Boot Device   [CDROM]
2nd Boot Device   [Hard Drive]

Hard Disk Drives
Floppy Drives
CDROM Drives
Specifies the boot sequence from the available devices
+ -     Change Option
F1     General Help
F10    Save and Exit
(c)Copyright 1985-2006, American Megatrends, Inc.
On Award Bios you will see some similar screen and choose the right key to Enter setup
Award Modular BIOS v4.51PG, An Energy Star Ally
Copyright (C) 1984-98, Award Software, Inc.

ASUS P2B-DS ACPI BIOS Revision 1012B

Pentium III 650Mhz Processor
Memory Test : 262144K OK

 Press DEL to run Setup
Now choose Advanced Bios Features
Phoenix - AwardBIOS CMOS Setup Utility
> Standard CMOS Features > Advanced BIOS Features
> Advanced Chipset Features
> Integrated Peripherals
> Power Management Setup
> PnP/PCI Configurations
> PC Health Status
Frequency/Voltage Control Load Fail-Safe Defaults
Load Optimized Defaults
Set Supervisor Password
Set User Password
Save & Exit Setup
Exit Without Saving
Esc : Quit
F10 : Save & Exit Setup
Virus Protection, Boot Sequence...
and set First Boot Device to CDROM and Second or third to HDD-0 and Press F10 to save it.
Phoenix - AwardBIOS CMOS Setup Utility
Virus Warning
CPU Internal Cache
External Cache
CPU L2 Cache ECC Checking
Processor Number Feature
Quick Power On Self Test
First Boot Device
Second Boot Device
Third Boot Device
Boot Other Device
Swap Floppy Drive
Boot Up NumLock Status
Gate A20 Option
Ata 66/100 IDE Cable Msg.
Typematic Rate Setting
Security Option
OS Select For DRAM > 64MB

Item Help

Select Your Boot
Device Priority
Esc : Quit
F10 : Save & Exit Setup
Virus Protection, Boot Sequence...
On some Dell Systems you can enter bios by pressing F2
F2 = Setup
F12 = Boot Menu

w w w . d e l l . c o m

Dimension 8100
BIOS Revision XP2

Now choose Boot Sequence and then arrance 1 to CD-Rom by pressing - + and press space to enable it
Press ESC and choose save settings and exit
Dell - Dimension 8100
Intel Pentium 4 Processor: 1.30 Ghz
LEVEL 2 Cache: 256 KB Integrated
System Time ...................
System Date ...................Primary Drive 0 ...............
Primary Drive 1 ...............
Secondary Drive 0 .............
Secondary Drive 1 .............
Boot Sequence .................
* 1. IDE CD-ROM Device
* 2. Hard-Disk Drive C:

SPACE to enable/disable | +,- to move down/up
System Memory .................
AGP Aperture ..................
CPU Information ...............

Up/Down to Select | SPACE +,- to Change | ESC to Exit
On some Dell Systems you can enter bios by pressing F2

 Boot Device Menu

    1. Normal
    2. Diskette Drive
    3. Hard-Disk Drive C:
    4. IDE CD-ROM Device  Enter a choice: 1
Sometimes you can press F12 to temporary boot from cd on some Dell Systems
PhoenixBIOS 4.0 Release 6.0
Copyright 1985-1999 Phoenix Technologies Ltd.
All Rights Reserved
Copyright 1996-1999 Intel Corporation.

Micron Electronics, Inc.

Intel(R) Pentium(R) III processor 450 Mhz
640K System RAM Passed
255M Extended RAM Passed
512K Cache SRAM Passed

 Press F2 to Enter Setup
Press F2 to enter bios setup

Esc : Quit              Shift(F2) : Change Color
F10 : Save & Exit Setup
Boot Sequence, Boot Virus Protection, CPU Speed...
and set Boot Sequence to A,CDROM,C and Press Esc and then F10 to save it.
CPU Internal Core Speed
Boot Virus Detection
Processor Serial Number
CPU Level 1 Cache
CPU Level 2 Cache
CPU Level 2 Cache ECC Check
BIOS Update
Quick Power On Self Test
HDD Sequence SCSI/IDE First
Boot Sequence
Boot Up Floppy Seek
Floppy Disk Access Control
IDE HDD Block Mode Sectors
HDD S.M.A.R.T. capability
PS/2 Mouse Function Control
OS/2 Onboard Memory > 64M
MPS 1.4 Support

Item Help:

Select Your Boot
Esc : Quit
F10 : Save & Exit Setup
Some Computer has Option to temporary boot from Cd/Hdd/Floppy/Usb Device, Just keep tapping the F8 button to get Boot Menu and Now choose your manufacture of CDRom. 

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Reset IP Address

Reset IP address of your computer or router if you lose connectivity on the LAN or on the Internet. It sometimes becomes necessary to manually renew your computer’s IP address.  If you suddenly realize you do not have an Internet connection, you can often right-click the network icon in the taskbar near the clock of your XP desktop and select “repair.” This will go through a process of resetting your IP address.
But if you do not have this option, you can go to START>RUN and type cmd.
reset IP address
At the command line type ipconfig /release (or winipcfg /release in earlier versions of Windows). Then hit ENTER.  Next, type ipconfig /renew and you should get a new IP address from the router. If this does not help, you will need to login to the router and delete the Mac address entry for your computer.

Reset IP Address of Router

If you have a cable modem, you may want to also renew its IP address.  First, go ahead and release the IP address on the PC, then shut the computer down. Next, unplug the cable modem for a couple of minutes, then plug it back in again. Once all of the modem lights are green, power up the PC again. It should automatically renew its IP at boot.
Note:  If you have a router, you’ll want to unplug it, as well, then plug it back in AFTER you plug in the modem, but before you power up the PC. The router will need to supply the PC with a new IP address.

Reset IP Address Conclusion

If the reset IP address option fails to help you regain Internet access, there could be other issues with your computer. You could have a misconfiguration of your network settings that prevents you from obtaining an IP address, or you could be receiving an IP address but you might have malware issues or incorrect DNS settings. If you need additional help to reset IP address or help you access the Internet, join our free forums or read our other networking tutorials.

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Ways to solve Laptop Ddr Ram errors

Click here to conduct an instant scan for Laptop Ddr Ram as well as similar problems.
Laptop Ddr Ram error codes are produced by corrupt system files inside your MS Windows OS.
If you’ve got Laptop Ddr Ram error code then we strongly recommend that you run an error message scan.
This article contains important information that will show you the right way to get rid of your Windows Laptop Ddr Ram error codes either by hand and / or automatically. Additionally, this document can help you to solve any regularly occurring error code alerts related to Laptop Ddr Ram error that you could pick up.

What is Laptop Ddr Ram error?

A Laptop Ddr Ram error code is the number and letter data format of the error code produced. This is the commonly used error format employed by Microsoft Windows and other Microsoft Windows compatible programs and driver providers.
This particular code is required by the merchant to ascertain the error code caused. This unique Laptop Ddr Ram error message features a numeric value and a specialised explanation. Often the error code could possibly have more factors in Laptop Ddr Ram data format .The further number and letter code will be the address of the storage regions in which the instructions are loaded during the time of the error message.

What causes Laptop Ddr Ram error?

A Laptop Ddr Ram error code can be caused by Windows system failure. Broken system files are often a serious danger to the well being of a computer or laptop.
There can be several situations which may have resulted in file errors. An unfinished installation steup, an unfinished file erasure, improper erasure of applications or equipment. It could also be brought about in the event your laptop or computer is contaminated with a pc virus or adware or spyware infection or by a poor shut down of the system. Many of the above events may very well result in the erasure or corruption of Windows system data files. That damaged system file will lead to missing or incorrectly linked documents and files vital for the optimal operation of the program.

Proven methods to successfully address Laptop Ddr Ram error?

There are two methods to take care of Laptop Ddr Ram error:

Advanced User Resolution (advanced):
1) Switch on your laptop or desktop and sign on as an admin.

2) Click on the Get started button then select Programs, Accessories, System, and next click on Restore.

3) From the new screen, select “Restore my computer to a previous time” then click Next.

4) Find the latest restore point within the “click a restore point” list, and then click on Next.

5) Click on Next on the verification window.

6) Reboot your machine once the rescue is completed.

Novice Computer User Fix (completely automatic):
1) Download the (Laptop Ddr Ram) restoration application.

2) Setup program and simply click on Scan button.

3) Then click the Fix Errors button once the diagnostic scan is finished.

4) Restart your computer system.

This is a different Laptop Ddr Ram fix utility you can try in case the preceeding tool does not work anymore.

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The TOEFL exam

Test Of English as Foreign Language.
The essential exam for entry to universities in the United States. Academic language.

Who is it for?

The Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) measures the ability of nonnative speakers of English to use and understand North American English as it is spoken, written and heard in college and university settings. Most people who take the TOEFL test are planning to study at colleges and universities where instruction is in English. In addition, many government agencies, scholarship programs, and licensing/certification agencies use TOEFL scores to evaluate English proficiency.

Versions of the TOEFL® test

You can do the test on paper or on a computer, depending where you live.The test comes in two formats:
  1. paper-based test (PBT)
  2. next generation computer-based test (iBT)
The iBT is not yet available at every test center. If it is available at your local center then you will have to do it. If not you will do the PBT.
There is also an exam for younger students called TOEFL Junior.

Where do I take the test?

At a test center in your country. The test is organised by the Educational Testing Service. You can register for the TOEFL® iBT online.
Click here to register

How much does the TOEFL test cost to take?

Prices of the TOEFL iBT vary in each country ranging from $160 to $240.
The paper-based TOEFL is $160.

What materials do I need?

You can buy TOEFL materials here
Read our TOEFL Tips here.

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install ulang windows xp vista 7, instal ulang pake usb flasdik, instal ulang menggunakan flasdisk, cara instal ulang flasdisk/usb windows, windows instal menggunakan flasdisk, tahap instal ulang. cara instal ulang windows xp

Cara ini di gunakan untuk install ulang pada laptop yang tidak memiliki CD/DVD seperti Axio Pico.

Sebelum kamu menginstall Windows XP menggunakan flasdisk/USB, kamu harus punya cd windows xp nya terlebih dahulu untuk di pindah ke dalam flsadisk. Memindahkan Windowsnya XP ke flasdisk bukan dengan copy paste tetapi menggunakan USB_PREP8 yang telah saya sediakan di bawah ini. Sebelum memindahkan windows XP sebaiknya flasdisk tersebut di format terlebih dahulu menggunakan PeToUSB yang sudah saya siapkan.

Silahkan download USB_PREP8 dan PeToUSB di bawah ini
Download USB_PREP8
Download PeToUSB
ika Muncul klik SKIP AD untuk mendownload filenya
Setelah anda download file di atas extrak file tersebut. kemudian ikuti langkah-langkah berikut ini:
klik 2x File PeToUSB untuk memformat USB (ingat Flasdisk sudah terpasang)

Klik tombol star Kemudian tekan Yes

Setelah Format selesai tutup PeToUSB

Selanjutnya memasukkan Installan Windows XP ke dalam flasdisk
klik 2x usb_prep8.cmd yang ada pada folder usb_prep8

maka akan muncul seperti ini (CD Windows XP Sudah anda masukkan)

Tekan tombol keyboard apa saja untuk melanjutkan

Tekan 1 untuk memilih drive dimana file instalasi windows berada, ( Change XP Setup Source Path, currently )

Sebuah window akan muncul dan pilih dimana drive yang berisi CD Setup Windows XP anda. Klik [OK].misalnya di F , klik di situ,ok

Kemudian pilih menu nomor 3) Change Target USB-Drive Letter, currently
Ketik huruf drive yang berisi USB Flash Disk anda. Misalnya di drive H :

Setelah selesai pilih menu nomor 4 Make New TempImage with XP LocalSource and Copy to USB-Drive

Tekan Y untuk memulai pemformatan

Tekan tombol keyboard apa saja untuk melanjutkan

Tekan yes untuk menyalin file temporary ke usb

tekan Yes lagi

Tekan Yes lagi

setelah itu tekan tombol apa saja untuk mengakhiri proses
Setelah selesai Flasdisk bisa di gunakan untuk melakukan install ulang

Sebelum anda mulai melakukan instalasi pastikan bahwa urutan booting anda sudah diatur supaya first bootnya dari USB Flash Disk.
masuk aja ke menu BIOS. Caranya,hidupkan komputer/laptop anda, tekan delete atau F2 pada keyboard

Setelah itu masuk ke setting booting pada Bios
Ganti first boot (booting pertama) USB Hard Drive/Flash Drive klo menggunakan Cd first boot nya adalah CDROM( bisa di lihat DISINI install ulang menggunakan CD)

Klik Save and Exit, komputer akan restart.

Jika semua berjalan lancar, pada saat menyala kembali komputer akan melakukan boot dari USB Flash Drive anda dan akan muncul menu pilihan

Pilih menu [TXT Mode Setup Windows XP, Never Unplug USB Drive Until After Logon].
PENTING: Jangan mencabut USB Flash Drive sampai instalasi Windows XP sudah selesai seluruhnya.

Setup Windows XP akan dimulai. Kerjakan seperti jika anda menggunakan CD

Setelah setup selesai menyalin file-file ke dalam harddisk anda, setup akan melakukan restart komputer.

PENTING: Pilih menu [GUI Mode Setup Windows XP, Continue Setup + Start XP].
Setup Windows akan melanjutkan setup dengan menggunakan tampilan GUI (Graphical User Interface) sambil tetap menyalin dari USB Flash Drive.

Lanjutkan instalasi seperti biasanya .

Jika sudah selesai anda dapat mencabut USB Flash Drive. USB/Flasdisk anda tersebut dapat digunakan untuk melakukan repair Windows XP anda apabila terjadi masalah atau gangguan pada windows XP anda.

Untuk mempercepat download gunakan IDM yang bisa di download DiSini

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Get The Latest Version Norman Antivirus

Download Latest Version Norman Antivirus 2012. Norman Antivirus and Antispyware protect you against Internet threats such as viruses, worms, trojans, rootkits and spyware. This user-friendly and fast-performing security program is designed to give the highest possible security against malicious software (malware). Norman Antivirus is a product of Norman Data Defense (NDD), Norway. After getting the contracts from NASA's IT security, NDD has two headquarters are in the United States and Norway.

Currently Norman has launched Norman Security Suite (NSS) Lite-featured explicitly Antivirus & Antispyware, this product is currently only available for personal version.

- Antivirus
- Antispyware
- Rootkit protection
- Protective screensaver
- Simple licence management
- Ease of use, simplified user interface
- Windows 8 ready

System Requirements

- Windows 7 32- or 64-bit
- Windows XP 32-bit SP3 or higher
- Windows Vista 32- or 64-bit SP2 or higher
- Internet Explorer 7 or later
- CPU: 1,8 GHz 32-bit (x86) or 64-bit (x64) processor
- RAM: 2 GB recommended
- 500 MB of available disk space
- Recommended minimum screen resolution: 1024 x 768

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